Events with ticket sales

Virtual ticketing

Sell tickets for your online and in-person events.

Unlimited tickets.

Sell multiple tickets for your community to purchase event access, sponsorships, promotional items and more on the Fundky Platform!

Tickets on the Fundky Platform
Fundky Separator

A shopping experience

Fundky makes it easy to sell tickets online!

Available on all devices
One-click access to all tickets
All selected tickets placed in a single shopping cart
Allocated ticket reservation time per transaction
Fast and secure payment
Order confirmation and summary sent via email

Ticket purchase on the Fundky Platform
Event with tickets creation confirmation

Online in

You can publish an event with tickets in less than 5 minutes!

Fast and easy. In 3 steps, you can post your event online and share it with your community! You can even create an event in advance and add your tickets later to build momentum.

100% bilingual English and French Customize texts and images Insert a banner and a video Offer ticket purchase and a donation option And much more!

Offer paid

Combine ticket sales with team and participant registration. 

Easily manage registration for your event
Engage your event attendees with a personalized page
Offer peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising with ticket sales
Increase your event’s visibility with participants
Easily validate tickets online or in person
Raise more donations with multi-level involvement

Multiply donations and your visibility through community involvement!
→ Learn more about paid registration.

Registration in teams or as solo participants
J'achète local dans Hochelaga campaign with tickets

For of events

Benefit or regular event, virtual or face-to-face, with or without participants… anything is possible!

Whether it’s a golf tournament, a music or comedy show, a gala or a local marketing campaign, you can customize your tickets any way you want with the Tickets plugin! You can even split the sale price between a donation and an advantage amount.

Tested and approved by the

J'achète local dans Hochelaga 2021

Supporting local businesses

Helping the neighbordhood’s merchants during COVID-19

The SDC Hochelaga-Maisonneuve launched its campaign to support local merchants during the pandemic. 2,500 vouchers, subsidized by the City of Montreal, were put on sale to neighbourhood residents. Within 1h30, all the tickets were sold!

A sporting event for the cause

Online paid registration

The Défi Cardio 5h consists of 5 consecutive hours of virtual training, in team or solo. This year, the event had a completely new virtual format in order to juggle the challenges of the pandemic. All gyms participated in the event and had their own team and participant pages. The purchase of a ticket also gave access to a LIVE broadcast!

J'achète local dans Hochelaga 2021

Supporting local businesses

Helping the neighbordhood’s merchants during COVID-19

The SDC Hochelaga-Maisonneuve launched its campaign to support local merchants during the pandemic. 2,500 vouchers, subsidized by the City of Montreal, were put on sale to neighbourhood residents. Within 1h30, all the tickets were sold!


A sporting event for the cause

Online paid registration

The Défi Cardio 5h consists of 5 consecutive hours of virtual training, in team or solo. This year, the event had a completely new virtual format in order to juggle the challenges of the pandemic. All gyms participated in the event and had their own team and participant pages. The purchase of a ticket also gave access to a LIVE broadcast!

Fundky Separator

has never been

Simple to use. Easy to manage. Totally unlimited. What more could you ask for?

Donation Receipts

You can include a donation amount in your ticket prices, so you can automatically issue donation receipts to buyers for ticket sales! The Fundky system will issue the receipts for you. For registered charities only.


You can customize your tickets. Add a title, description, price, end date, ticket limit per transaction and much more! A ton of options are available to create the perfect tickets for your campaign.


With the Tickets plugin, there is no limit! You can create as many events and tickets as you want, without ever incurring additional costs. Tickets are available for free on all Fundky Platforms!

Ask your

Try the Tickets plugin for yourself and see the magic in action.


Contact us to see how Fundky can help your organization!